Yes, someone else can sign for your order. The most common signature options used by the courier companies do not require the person whose name is on the parcel to sign for the parcel. We ship most orders without a signature required. Please see the article Do I need to sign for my package? I want to sign for my package for more information.
Common Signature Options
- No Signature Required (NSR): A driver will deliver your order without anyone being present. This option may not be available for all shipments or to all destinations.
- Indirect Signature Required (ISR): A driver will deliver your order in one of three ways:
A. By obtaining a signature from someone at the delivery address.
B. Acquiring a signature from a neighbor, building manager, or another person at a neighboring address.
C. Where available and when possible, getting authorization from you to release the package without anyone present. - Direct Signature Required (DSR): Someone at the delivery address can sign for the delivery. If no one is at the address, the courier service will reattempt the delivery.
- Adult Signature Required (ASR): A driver will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address who is the age of majority in the destination country. Government-issued photo identification or other identification accepted by local authorities will be required. For Canadian deliveries, the recipient must be 19 years of age and present a government-issued photo ID.