If you have not yet received a refund for your return and would like to know the status of your return, please open a support ticket. Do not forget to include your tracking details if you returned the parcel, the order number, name, email address, or any other information that might help us. Our customer service team will get back to you during our hours of operation.
If you return products that were shipped out more than 30 days ago without a return authorization– Bargain Balloons reserves the right not to refund these items and we will not ship the products back to you.
If you sent the return to the Niagara Falls, New York location, please be aware, there is no warehouse or office personnel at this location and the return process time will take longer than usual. All mail or returns shipped to our New York address are forwarded to our Canadian head office every 3-4 weeks.
All returns are processed at the Bargain Balloons Head Office and warehouse, located in Ontario, Canada.
Head Office/ Warehouse
Bargain Balloons
6255 Cantay Rd, Unit 1
Mississauga, ON L5R 3Z4
PLEASE NOTE: Returns can take at least 30 days to process from when we receive your order.