All orders are checked twice for accuracy before they are shipped out. If you believe you are missing a product– please read the list below before opening a support ticket.
Please check for the following:
- Did we adjust your invoice to reflect the missing product? A customer service agent may have followed the discrepancy action that you chose at checkout.
- Did someone else open the parcel? Could someone else have removed something?
- Could something have fallen on the ground, behind a desk, etc.?
- We roll and sometimes fold balloons together. Could you have not seen the balloon rolled or folded into another balloon?
- Foil balloons do not always look the same when inflated. For example, Orbz balloons look like leaves but inflate round. Use the product codes to verify these products.
- Latex balloons do not always look like the colors of their description when not inflated. Use the product codes on the bags (not the descriptions) to check your order.
- Did you receive a different product by mistake?
- The product code on the packing list and the package may not always match, or there may be many product codes on the balloon or package. You can search by the product code on our website to see what a balloon looks like.
- We try to pack foil balloons in order, but this might not always be the case.
If the product is still lost, please open a support ticket and include the following information in your email/ticket:
- Order number
- Product code
- Quantity of missing item/s
- Copy of the packing slip/invoice
Your case will be assigned to one of our customer service agents and we will be investigating the situation and resolving it as soon as possible in a timely manner.